The pyramid 4s

The pyramid with a rectangular base measuring 6 dm and 8 dm has a side edge of a length of 13 dm. Calculate the surface area and volume of this pyramid.

Correct answer:

S =  222.8492 dm2
V =  192 dm3

Step-by-step explanation:

a=6 dm b=8 dm e=13 dm d=a2+b2=62+82=10 dm  h=e2(d/2)2=132(10/2)2=12 dm  S1=a b=6 8=48 dm2  s2=h2+(a/2)2=122+(6/2)2=3 17 dm12.3693 dm s3=h2+(b/2)2=122+(8/2)2=4 10 dm12.6491 dm  S2=2a s3=26 12.6491=12 10 dm237.9473 dm2 S3=2b s2=28 12.3693=12 17 dm249.4773 dm2  S=S1+2 S2+2 S3=48+2 37.9473+2 49.4773=222.8492 dm2
V=31 S1 h=31 48 12=192 dm3

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