Percentages + per mil - practice problems
Number of problems found: 30
- Kilometers 73344
How many meters will the track ascend if it is 200 kilometers long and the ascent is 7 per mille?
- Unknown 73244
75 per mille of an unknown number equals 60. What is an unknown number?
- Calculate 72994
Calculate 50 per mille of 340.
- Invoiced 37073
The company paid a penalty of 7.5 ‰ for the late invoice payment. How big was the invoiced amount when the company had to pay a fine of 3441 CZK?
- Connecting 29841
There is a horizontal distance of 9 km between two cities on the Croatian coast. The road connecting these two cities has a climb of 13 permille. What is the height difference between Croatian cities?
- Decimal 26301
Write the per mille as a decimal number 2 ‰ 50 ‰ 2.5 ‰ 0.6 ‰
- Altitude difference
What is a climb permillage of the hill that is 4 km long and has an altitude difference of 6 meters?
- Calculate 13631
Calculate 1.5 ‰ out of 85% out of 240
- AMSL and skiing
Tomas skis from point A (3200m above sea level) to place B. The Hill has a 20% descent. The horizontal distance between the start and finish is 2.5 km. At what altitude is point B?
- Interest 9791
From € 800 for six months at an interest rate of 7.5% per annum; and - simple interest b - compound interest
- Necessary 8380
With cream with a fat content of 36% and milk with a fat content of 3.85%, it is necessary to make 65 liters of whipped cream with a fat content of 33%. How many liters of each of the raw materials do we need?
- Minutes 7700
At what angle does the road rise if the climb is 8%? They rounded up for tens of minutes.
- Determine 7468
Determine the base if 2.8 per mille is 50.
- Two municipalities
The horizontal distance between municipalities is 39 km. The average sinking is 7 permille. What is the difference in height between these municipalities?
- Substance solution
During spraying, there are 4 per mille of active substance per 6 l of water. How many ml of active substance do we add to the spray?
- Difference 6029
Between the resorts is 15km, and the climb is 13 permille. What is the height difference?
- Express 6027
Express a drop of 8 percent per mille.
- Five-kilogram 4112
Fertilizer for gardeners contains the following trace elements: bor. ... ..minimum 0.3promile weight. What is the smallest weight of each trace element in a five-kilogram fertilizer package?
- Material 3986
There are 1.2 per mille of gold in the rock. How many grams of gold will they get from 45 tons of raw material?
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