Calculated 31901

The company is to dig a well 25 m deep with a radius of 0.8 m. How many cars that can be loaded with 12 cubic m will be needed to transport the excavated soil if it is calculated that the soil will increase in volume by 10% when excavated?

Correct answer:

n =  5

Step-by-step explanation:

h=25 m r=0.8 m V1=12 m3 q=100%+10%=1+10010=1.1  V=π r2 h=3.1416 0.82 2550.2655 m3 V2=V q=50.2655 1.155.292 m3  n1=V2/V1=55.292/124.6077  n=n1=4.6077=5

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