
From a set of 32 cards, we randomly pull out three cards. What is the probability that it will be seven kings and an ace?

Correct answer:

p =  1.2903 %

Step-by-step explanation:

C1(4)=(14)=1!(41)!4!=14=4 C3(32)=(332)=3!(323)!32!=321323130=4960 a=((41))3=64 b=(323)=4960 p=100 a/b=100 64/4960=1.2903%

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Showing 1 comment:
Math student
The question asks for the probability that three cards will be eight cards.  I'm not sure what was intended.

What is the composition of the deck of cards?  If the deck consists of four each, 2 through 9, then there are no kings or aces at all.

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