Flowers 2

Cha cruz has a garden. The ratio of roses to tulips is 2:5, and the ratio of roses to orchids is 7:6. Cha Cruz wonders what the ratio of tulips to orchids is. If Cha Cruz has 183 plants, how many of each kind are there?

Correct answer:

r =  42
t =  105
o =  36
p =  35:12

Step-by-step explanation:

r=2/5 t r=7/6 o r+t+o=183  5r2t=0 7o6r=0 o+r+t=183  Pivot:Row1Row2 7o6r=0 5r2t=0 o+r+t=183  Row371 Row1Row3 7o6r=0 5r2t=0 1.857r+t=183  Row351.85714286 Row2Row3 7o6r=0 5r2t=0 1.743t=183  t=1.74285714183=105 r=50+2t=50+2 105=42 o=70+6r=70+6 42=36  o=36 r=42 t=105

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Math Student
Q: What is the ratio of the number of orchids to the total number
of flowers in the garden?

Answer: r2 = o:183 = 36 : 183 = 12:61

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