Tablecloth 72254

The table top is 1.2 m long, 55 cm wide, and 35 mm thick. Calculate how many regular meters of a 1 m wide roll are needed for a tablecloth that extends 15 cm beyond the bottom edge of the table on all sides.

Correct answer:

z =  1.57 bm

Step-by-step explanation:

a=1.2 m b=55 cm m=55:100  m=0.55 m h=35 mm m=35:1000  m=0.035 m p=15 cm m=15:100  m=0.15 m  s=1 m  x=a+2 h+2 p=1.2+2 0.035+2 0.15=100157=1.57 m y=b+2 h+2 p=0.55+2 0.035+2 0.15=2523=0.92 m  y < s ; x>s  z=x=1.57=1.57 bm

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