Delivering 80805

The courier company delivers the ordered goods through the e-shop. If the delivery were made by 2 cars, it would be completed in 6 hours. However, after 4 hours, the first car's driver stopped delivering, and the second car continued to deliver for another 6 hours. How many days would the delivery be completed if only the second car had the goods?

Correct answer:

b =  18 h

Step-by-step explanation:

6/a+6/b=1 4/a + 4/b + 6/b=1  6/a = 16/b a = 6/(16/b)  4/(6/(16/b)) + 4/b + 6/b=1  4 (16/b)/6 + 10/b=1  4 (b6)/6+10=b  2b=36  b=236=18=18 h  b=18   Verifying Solution:  a=6/(16/b)=6/(16/18)=9 h t1=6/a+6/b=6/9+6/18=1 t2=4 (1/a+1/b)+6/b=4 (1/9+1/18)+6/18=1

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