Diamond-shaped 81516

How many diamond-shaped tiles with a side of 25 cm and a height of 20 cm are needed to pave a rectangular courtyard with sides of 30 m and 28 m if the joints represent 1/20 of the area?

Correct answer:

n =  15960

Step-by-step explanation:

a=30 m b=28 m  S1=a b=30 28=840 m2 S2=S1S1/20=840840/20=798 m2 S3=S2 cm2=S2 10000  cm2=798 10000  cm2=7980000 cm2  x=25 cm y=20 cm S4=x y=25 20=500 cm2  n=S3/S4=7980000/500=15960

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