Christmas 81912

Mom got a 50ml perfume for her birthday for 1,000 CZK. For Christmas, she received 100 ml of perfume for 1800 kc. How much is 1 ml of each perfume in CZK? Which one is cheaper?

Correct answer:

c1 =  20 Kc/ml
c2 =  18 Kc/ml
x =  2

Step-by-step explanation:

V1=50 ml A=1000 Kc  V2=100 ml B=1800 Kc  c1=A/V1=1000/50=20 Kc/ml
c2=B/V2=1800/100=18 Kc/ml
c2<c1  x=2

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Tip: Our volume units converter will help you convert volume units.

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