Volunteers 81981

Volunteers planted saplings in the forest nursery; spruces made up 55% of all saplings; one-third were edible, and the rest were young pines. How many saplings did they plant if the number of saplings was greater than 1060 and less than 1090?

Correct answer:

n =  1080

Step-by-step explanation:

r1=55%=10055=2011=0.55 r2=1/3=310.3333 r3=1r1r2=10.550.3333=6070.1167  d1=1060/60=353=173217.6667 d2=1090/60=6109=186118.1667  d=d2=18.1667=18  n=d 60=18 60=1080   Verifying Solution:  a=r1 n=0.55 1080=594 b=r2 n=0.3333 1080=360 c=r3 n=0.1167 1080=126 N=a+b+c=594+360+126=1080

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