Conversion of mass units

Enter a mass (weight) as a number and select the unit from and to have a unit conversion done.

Conversion result:

1 kg = 1000000 mg

1 kilogram is 1000000 miligrams.

1 kg = 100000 cg

1 kilogram is 100000 centigrams.

1 kg = 10000 dg

1 kilogram is 10000 decigrams.

1 kg = 1000 g

1 kilogram is 1000 grams.

1 kg = 100 dag

1 kilogram is 100 decagrams.

1 kg = 0.01 q

1 kilogram is 0.01 quintals.

1 kg = 0.001 t

1 kilogram is 0.001 tonnes.

1 kg = 32.15075 Oz

1 kilogram is 32.15075 troy ounces.

1 kg = 2.20462 pound

1 kilogram is 2.20462 pounds.

Direct conversion: mg to cg; mg to dg; cg to mg; cg to dg; cg to g; dg to mg; dg to cg; dg to g; dg to dag; g to cg; g to dg; g to dag; g to Oz; dag to dg; dag to g; dag to kg; dag to Oz; dag to pound; kg to dag; kg to q; kg to Oz; kg to pound; q to kg; q to t; t to q; Oz to g; Oz to dag; Oz to kg; Oz to pound; pound to dag; pound to kg; pound to Oz;

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