Examples of elementary arithmetic
On this page you can practice knowledge of arithmetic on generated examples from various math areas - from addition, multiplication to percentage. Examples are numerical and therefore does not contains words and sentences; basically it is trening evaluating mathematical expressions i.e. 1+3. The corresponding
word problems would be, grandma has one goat and three hens. How many animals have in the yard?
- Adding till 20
- Adding till 100
- Adding till 400
- Subtract till 20
- Subtract till 100
- Subtract till 400
- Multiplication till 100
- Multiplication till 400
- Dividing till 100
- Dividing till 400
- Rounding to ones
- Rounding to tens
- Rounding to hundreds
- Rounding to thousands
- Rounding to two decimal places
- Rounding to one decimal place
- Square power excercises till 100
- Square power excercises till 400
- Percent practice
- Unit conversion: length, area, volume, mass, time, velocity.
- Elementary statistics: average, geometric mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum.