Prime Factorization Calculator
This calculator will find all of the prime factors of a natural number. Prime factorization of a number is the calculation of the primes that multiply together to give the original number. It is also known as prime decomposition.
The number 1 (one) is called a unit. It has no prime factors. When a number is a prime number (i.e., 2,3,5,7, 11), the prime factorization is just a prime number. Other numbers are called composite numbers and have a minimum of two prime factors. For repeat, a prime number is a natural number that is divisible without a remainder by itself and by a unit, not by other natural numbers.
Practice problems:
27 = 3 × 3 × 3198 = 2 × 32 × 11
1024 = 210
19823 = 43 × 461
30258037 = 30258037
Word problems and examples involving prime numbers
- How many
How many different rectangles with integer side lengths have an area S = 60 cm²?
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