Conversion cubic meters to cubic feet, m3 to ft3.

The conversion factor is 35.3146667; so 1 cubic meter = 35.3146667 cubic feet. In other words, the value in m3 multiply by 35.3146667 to get a value in ft3. The calculator answers the questions: 40 m3 is how many ft3? or change m3 to ft3. Convert m3 to ft3.

Conversion result:

1 m3 = 35.31467 ft3

1 cubic meter is 35.31467 cubic feet.

Essential of conversions SI units of the volume is the coefficient 1000. Units of volume are the cubes of units of length. For example, 1 dm3 = 103 cm3 = 1000 cm3. Another important rule is definition 1 liter = 1 dm3. Imperial volume units use nontrivial coefficients for conversions. ie. 1 gal = 3.78541 liters

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