Percentile calculator

For percentile calculation, please enter which percentile (number from 0 to 100) you want to calculate and numerical data separated with comma (or space, tab, semicolon, or newline). For example: 100.2 123.7 781.6 988.7 892.6 606.9 314.4 106.6 -428.2 157.9 -893.3 192.7 359.3


Statistical file:
{11, 15, 24, 33, 10, 35, 23, 25, 40}

45th Percentile = 23.5 (Too few data to calculate percentile)

Other statistical characteristics:
Average (mean): μ=24
Absolute deviation: 74
Mean deviation: 8.2222222222222
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 40
Variance: 100.66666666667
Standard deviation σ=10.033277962195
Corrected sample standard deviation s=10.641898326896
Coefficient of variation cV=0.44341243028735
Signal-to-noise ratio SNR=2.2552367315277
Median: 24
Quartile Q1: 13
Quartile Q2: 24
Quartile Q3: 34
1st decile: 10 (Too few data to calculate deciles)
2nd decile: 11
3rd decile: 15
4th decile: 23
5th decile: 24
6th decile: 25
7th decile: 33
8th decile: 35
9th decile: 40
45th Percentile = 23.5 (Too few data to calculate percentile)
Interquartile range IQR: 21
Quartile Deviation QD: 10.5
Coefficient of Quartile Deviation CQD: 0.4468085106383
Lower fence: -18.5
Upper fence: 65.5
Set of outliers: {} - empty set - no outliers found
Interdecile range IDR: 30
Mode: {10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25, 33, 35, 40} - multimodal
Geometric mean: 21.665979805851
Harmonic mean: 19.288670523029
Sum: 216
Sum of squares: 906
Sum of absolute values: 216
Average absolute deviation: 8.2222222222222
Range: 30
Frequency table :
elementfrequencycumulative frequencyrelative frequencycumulative relative frequency
10 1 1 0.11111111111111 0.11111111111111
11 1 2 0.11111111111111 0.22222222222222
15 1 3 0.11111111111111 0.33333333333333
23 1 4 0.11111111111111 0.44444444444444
24 1 5 0.11111111111111 0.55555555555556
25 1 6 0.11111111111111 0.66666666666667
33 1 7 0.11111111111111 0.77777777777778
35 1 8 0.11111111111111 0.88888888888889
40 1 9 0.11111111111111 1
Z-score: {-1.2957, -0.897, 0, 0.897, -1.3954, 1.0964, -0.0997, 0.0997, 1.5947}
Count items: 9

Calculation of normal distribution

Sorted statistic file: {10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25, 33, 35, 40}

How to enter data as a frequency table?

Simple. Write data elements (separated by spaces or commas, etc.), then write f: and further write the frequency of each data item. Each element must have a defined frequency that counts numbers before and after symbol f: must be equal. For example:

1.1 2.5 3.99
f: 5 10 15

How to enter grouped data?

Grouped data are formed by aggregating individual data into groups so that a frequency distribution of these groups serves as a convenient means of summarizing or analyzing the data.

This grouped data you can enter:
10-20 20-30 30-40
f: 5 10 15

How to enter data as a cumulative frequency table?

Similar to a frequency table, but instead, f: write cf: in the second line. For example:

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
cf: 5 13 20 32 60 80 90 100

The cumulative frequency is calculated by adding each frequency from a frequency distribution table to the sum of its predecessors. The last value will always equal the total for all observations since the calculator will have already added all frequencies to the previous total.

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