Insulating 25471

The septic tank is 6 m high and 2.4 m in diameter. If the painter consumes 1 kg per 5 m2 and the paint is delivered in two kg cans, how many packages of insulating paint must he order?

Correct answer:

n =  6

Step-by-step explanation:

h=6 m D=2.4 m r=D/2=2.4/2=56=151=1.2 m  S1=π r2=3.1416 1.224.5239 m2 S2=2π r h=2 3.1416 1.2 645.2389 m2  S=2 S1+S2=2 4.5239+45.238954.2867 m2  p=2 5=10 m2  n=S/p=54.2867/10=6

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