Vegetables 2866

In the store, they had 5 times more cucumbers than carrots, which they had 9 kg. They had 5 times less parsley than cucumber, 7 times more onion than parsley, 27 kilograms less garlic than garlic than onion, and 9 times less broccoli than garlic. How many kilograms of vegetables did they have in store?

Correct answer:

x =  166 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

m=9 u=5 m=5 9=45 p=u/5=45/5=9 c=7 p=7 9=63 d=c27=6327=36 b=d/9=36/9=4 x=m+u+p+c+d+b=9+45+9+63+36+4=166 kg

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