Paper cutting

Susanna is cutting construction paper into rectangles for a project. She needs to cut one rectangle 10 inches × 14 1/2 inches. She needs to cut another rectangle 10 1/3 inches by 10 1/2 inches. How many total square inches of construction paper does Susanna need for her project?

Correct answer:

S =  253 12 = 507/2 in2

Step-by-step explanation:

a=10 in b=1421=14+21=214 2+1=228+1=229=14.5 in  x=1031=10+31=310 3+1=330+1=33110.3333 in y=1021=10+21=210 2+1=220+1=221=10.5 in  S1=a b=10 229=210 29=2290=145 in2 S2=x y=331 221=3 231 21=6651=2217=108.5 in2  S=S1+S2=145+2217=2145 2+2217=2290+2217=2290+217=2507=2507 in2=25321 in2=253.5 in2

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