Maths practice for 12-year-olds
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6043
- Subtraction equation
What should be subtracted from -3/5 to get -2/3?
- Fractions - minus
What is the difference used estimation to justify your thinking? 11/12 - 1/3 - 1/6
- Largest circle
If the largest possible circle is cut off from a 8 cm × 4 cm rectangle, what is the area in sq cm of the remaining portion?
- Subtract 27
Subtract these mixed fractions: 7 2/3 and 3 1/9.
- The remainder 3
The remainder is 31 when dividing a number by 45. What would the remainder be if the same number were divided by 15?
- The product 17
The product of two fractions is 7/15, and one of the fractions is 7/9. What is the other fraction?
- Sarah 7
Sarah bought snacks for her team's practice. She bought a bag of chips for $1.56 and a 20-pack of juice bottles. The total cost before tax was $33.96. Write and solve an equation which can be used to determine, how much each bottle of juice cost.
- Expression - two variables
The formula with two variables is given: y=5*x+38. Solve for x.
- Decimal to fraction
What is 0.99 into a fraction?
- Repeating to infinity
How do I express 0.99999999… as a fraction? (nine repeating) Another questions: Can you write .9999 repeating as a fraction? How do you turn 0.9 repeating into a fraction?
- Mixed plus proper fraction
1 whole 1/2+1/3=
- Two trains 15
A train travelling 50 kmph leaves Delhi at 8 AM and another train travelling 70 kmph leaves Delhi at 11 AM in the same direction. How many km from Delhi will they be together?
- Antecedent and consequent
In a ratio which is equal to 5:8, if the antecedent is 40, then find the consequent.
- Avg velocity
A car travels 120 km at 60 km/hr and another 120 km at 40 km/hr. What is its average speed?
- Direct proportional
If m is proportional to n and m=5 when n=4, then what is the value of m when n=18?
- Crossing a pole
A train 200 m long is moving at a speed of 72 km/hr. How much time will it take to cross a pole?
- Three quarters of a hour
Calculate the value of 3/4 of 40 hours.
- Two wipers
What A car has two wipers which do not overlap. Each wiper has a blade of length 21 cm, sweeping through an angle of 120°. Find the total area cleaned at each sweep of the blades.
- Bags of clothes
Nathan and John are collecting clothes for a clothing drive. John collected 1/10 as many clothes as Nathan did. If Nathan collected 1/3 of a bag of clothes, how many bags of clothes did John collect?
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