Jack planted

Jack planted 1 1/4 rows of lettuce in the family garden. Rose planted 1 1/2 rows of broccoli, and Calvin planted 4 5/12 rows of beans. How many rows were planted in the garden?

Correct answer:

x =  7 16 = 43/6

Step-by-step explanation:

J=141=1+41=41 4+1=44+1=45=141=1.25 R=121=1+21=21 2+1=22+1=23=121=1.5 C=4125=4+125=124 12+5=1248+5=1253=41254.4167  x=J+R+C=45+23+1253=1215+1218+1253=1215+18+53=1286=643=761=7.1667

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