Temperature linear fit

At 2:00 a.m., the temperature was -7°F. At noon the temperature was 18°F. What expression represents the increase in temperature?

Correct answer:

e = 2.5*T-12

Step-by-step explanation:

t1=7 °F t2=18 °F T1=2 h T2=12 h  e(T) = a T+b ?  t1=a T1+b t2=a T2+b (7)=a 2+b 18=a 12+b  2a+b=7 12a+b=18  Pivot:Row1Row2 12a+b=18 2a+b=7  Row2122 Row1Row2 12a+b=18 0.83b=10  b=0.8333333310=12 a=1218b=1218+12=2.5  a=25=2.5 b=12  e=2.5 T12

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Showing 1 comment:
On December 25,2009 the temperature at noon was approximated by T + 2 H = - 2° C.Estimate the temperature at 2 pm today?

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