Fabric length

Meg has 5 3/4 yd of fabric. She needs 1 1/8 yd to make a vest and 2 1/2 yd to make a skirt. How much fabric will be left for a jacket?

Correct answer:

x =  2 18 = 17/8 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

a=543=5+43=45 4+3=420+3=423=5.75 yd b=181=1+81=81 8+1=88+1=89=1.125 yd c=221=2+21=22 2+1=24+1=25=2.5 yd  x=abc=4238925=84689820=846920=817=817 yd=281 yd=2.125 yd

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