Addition of mixed numerals
Add two mixed fractions:
2 4/6 + 1 3/6
2 4/6 + 1 3/6
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Dr Math
i need help with 5/4 + 3 1/5 + 1/2
Answer: please use our simple fraction/mixed numbers calculator for this:
Answer: please use our simple fraction/mixed numbers calculator for this:
2 years ago 1 Like
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Need help calculating sum, simplifying, or multiplying fractions? Try our fraction calculator.
Need help with mixed numbers? Try our mixed-number calculator.
Need help with mixed numbers? Try our mixed-number calculator.
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Subtract and add the following mixed numbers as given: A=2 1/6 - 1 1/2 + 4 2/3. B=4 1/4 - 1 1/3 + 1 1/12. C= 2 1/4 -1 1/5 + 3 3/20. - Add and subtract fractions
Calculate: A) 6/14 + 1/14 = B) 1 2/5 + 2 1/5 = C) 2/13 + 5/13 + 7/13 = D) 2 1/10 + 0/10 = E) 3 + 10/11 = F) 2/3 + 4/3 G) 4 1/9 + 2 4/9 = H) 8 3/8 + 3 1/8 + 1 7/8 = I) 4/9 + 6 1/9 = J) 11/6 + 2 1/6 = K) 0 1/15 + 7/15 + 3 4/15 = - Adding mixed fractions
Add these two mixed numbers: 1 5/6 + 2 2/11= - Add sub fractions
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