Line slope calculator 4x+3y=15

Enter the coordinates of two different points:
Line slope diagram

Straight line given by points A[0; 5] and B[3; 1]


Slope: m = -1.3333

Slope-intercept form of line: y = -1.3333x+5

Canonical form of the line equation: 4x+3y-15 = 0

Parametric form of the line equation:
x = 3t
y = -4t+5      ; t ∈ R

Slope angle of line: φ = -53°7'48″ = -0.9273 rad

X intercept: x0 = 3.75

Y intercept: y0 = q = 5

Distance line from the origin: d0 = 3

The length of the segment AB: |AB| = 5

Vector: AB = (3; -4)

Normal vector: n = (4; 3)

Midpoint of the segment AB: M = [1.5; 3]

Perpendicular Bisector equation: 3x-4y+7.5 = 0

Vector OA = (0; 5) ;   |OA| = 5
Vector OB = (3; 1) ;   |OB| = 3.1623
Scalar product OA .OB = 5
Angle ∠ AOB = 71°33'54″ = 1.249 rad