Real number calculator
This calculator makes basic and advanced operations with real, natural, integers, and rational and irrational numbers. It also shows detailed step-by-step information about the calculation procedure. Solve problems with two, three, or more real numbers in one expression. Add, subtract, and multiply real numbers step-by-step. This calculator performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division for calculations on positive or negative real numbers. This online real number calculator will help you understand how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide real numbers.
Real numbers are numbers that can be found on the number line. This includes natural numbers( 1,2,3 ...), integers (-3), rational (fractions), and irrational numbers (like √2 or π). Positive or negative, large or small, whole numbers or decimal numbers are all real numbers. Imaginary and complex numbers cannot be drawn in a number line but in a complex plane.
Real numbers in word problems:
- Research 5270
The divers measured a depth of 104m. They want to place a research probe at four times less depth. How deep will the probe be placed?
- Numbers 82720
Which number is also distant from the numbers 5.3 and 7.7 on the number line?
- Possibilities 5590
The line represents the number axis, and the marked points correspond to the numbers a, - a, and + 1, but in no particular order. Construct the points that correspond to the numbers 0 and 1. Discuss all the possibilities.
- Logarithmic equation
Solve equation: log13(7x + 12) = 0
- James 7
James bought a pair of shoes worth 650.00 pesos. Eyeglasses that cost p 86.75 and some school supplies worth p 538.95. How much did he spend in all?
- Cube root
Find the cube root of 18
- Temperature 6055
At the Štrbské prom, the station measured an air temperature of 12.7°C in the afternoon. By morning, the air temperature had dropped to -5.8°C. How many degrees °C has the air temperature dropped?
- Circle
From the equation of a circle: -x² -y² +16x -4y -59 = 0 Calculate the coordinates of the center of the circle S[x0, y0] and the radius of the circle r.
- Inequality 7320
Let a, b, and c be positive real numbers whose sum is 3, each of which is at most 2. Prove that the inequality holds: a2 + b2 + c2 + 3abc
- Scientific notation
Approximately 7.5x105 gallons of water flow over a waterfall each second. There are 8.6x104 seconds in 1 day. Select the approximate amount of water flowing over the waterfall in 1 day.
- Circle
Write the equation of a circle that passes through the point [0,6] and touches the X-axis point [5,0]: (x-x_S)²+(y-y_S)²=r²
- Rail turn
The curve radius on the railway line is 532 m. The length of the rail track on it is 818 m. How many degrees is the angle ASB if A and B are boundary points and S is the center of the arc curve?
- Decadic number
What is the expanded form of this number? 18.029 A: (1x10)+(8x1)+(2x1/10)+(9x1/100) B: (1×10)+(8×1)+(2×1/10)+(9×1/1,000) C: (1×10)+(8×1)+(2×1/100)+(9×1/1,000) D: (1×10)+(8×1)+(2×11/00)+(9×1/100)
- Pumps
The tank is filled with two pumps in 16 minutes. The first pump is filled in 30 minutes earlier than the second one. How many minutes is filled with the first pump?
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