
In a cookie jar, 1/4 of the cookies are chocolate chip, and 1/2 of the rest are peanut butter. What fraction of all the cookies are peanut butter?

Correct answer:

p =  3/8

Step-by-step explanation:

c=41=0.25 r=1c=141=41 441=4441=441=43=0.75 p=21 r=21 43=2 41 3=83=0.375

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Another variation:

In a cookie jar, 1/5 of the cookies are chocolate chip and  3/4 of the rest are peanut butter. What fraction of all the cookies is peanut butter?

ANS: x = (1-1/5)*3/4 = 4/5*3/4 = 3/5

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