Sum of mixed

The sum of two mixed numbers is 15½. One of the numbers is 5 ¾. What is the other?

Correct answer:

x =  9 34 = 39/4

Step-by-step explanation:

s=1521=15+21=215 2+1=230+1=231=1521=15.5 y=543=5+43=45 4+3=420+3=423=543=5.75  s = x+y  x=sy=231423=462423=46223=439=943=9.75

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Showing 3 comments:
Math Student
Q: What is 14 1/4 plus 6 7/8

A: 21 1/8 . See details of calculation:

2 years ago  2 Likes
Math Student
Q: what is 19 1/2 + 5 5/8 + 6 1/4

A: use our mixed numbers calculator:

19 1/2 + 5 5/8 + 6 1/4 = 251/8 = 31 3/8 = 31.375

2 years ago  1 Like
Q:what is the answer mixed numbers 8 1/6 + 2 5/6

A: Result is 11. See details:
adding fraction parts: 1/6 + 5/6 = 1 (whole number)
adding whole parts: 8+2+1 = 11

2 years ago  1 Like

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