Three 109

Three scouts brought three pieces of rope of lengths five and three-fourth meters, six and two-thirds meters, and five and five eight meters to their camps. How long are the three pieces together?

Correct answer:

x =  18 124 = 433/24 m

Step-by-step explanation:

a=543=5+43=45 4+3=420+3=423=5.75 m b=632=6+32=36 3+2=318+2=3206.6667 m c=585=5+85=85 8+5=840+5=845=5.625 m  x=a+b+c=423+320+845=24138+24160+24135=24138+160+135=24433=24433 m=18241 m=18.0417 m

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