Determine 5592

Karel took out a loan of EUR 600 from Ivan 20.2 at a 20% annual rate. From January 10.5, a loan of 1100 Euros at a 14% rate. From Milan 15.9, a loan of 900 Euros at an 11% rate. All three return 30.12. Determine the annual interest rate for all three loans to pay the same total interest.

Correct answer:

p =  15.7162 %

Step-by-step explanation:

d1 = 30.12.  20.2. d1=314  d2 = 30.12.  10.5. d2=235  d3 = 30.12.  15.9. d3=107  k1=3651+20/1001.0005 u1=600 k1d1600=600 1.0005314600101.8896 Eur  k2=3651+14/1001.0004 u2=1100 k2d21100=1100 1.0004235110096.8234 Eur  k3=3651+11/1001.0003 u3=900 k3d3900=900 1.000310790027.9594 Eur  u=u1+u2+u3=101.8896+96.8234+27.9594226.6724 Eur  600   kd1600 + 1100   kd21100  + 900   kd3900 = u 600   k314600 + 1100   k2351100  + 900   k107900 = 226.67  k=1.0004 k = (1+p/100) 1/365 p=100 (k3651)=100 (1.00043651)=15.7162%

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