Manufacturing 5686

If you know that the company produces four similar products that differ only in the weight of the packaging, determine the final price of the product in terms of costs. The total cost of manufacturing the product was CZK 5,745,000.

And 10 kg 15,000 pcs
B 5 kg 25,000 pcs
C 2 kg 30,000 pcs
D 1 kg 48,000 pcs

Correct answer:

A =  150 Kc/ks
B =  75 Kc/ks
C =  30 Kc/ks
D =  15 Kc/ks

Step-by-step explanation:

t=5745000 Kc m=10 15000+5 25000+2 30000+1 48000=383000 kg c1=t/m=5745000/383000=15 Kc/kg A=10 c1=10 15=150 Kc/ks
B=5 c1=5 15=75 Kc/ks
C=2 c1=2 15=30 Kc/ks
D=1 c1=1 15=15 Kc/ks

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