Charter flying service

Henry and Wayne operate a charter flying service out of Breckenridge, which has an elevation of 9,600 feet above sea level.

Henry has two flights scheduled for the day. He is taking a couple from Breckenridge to Hamilton, which has a 35% elevation drop. At Hamilton, he is picking up three businessmen and taking them to Denver, which has a 15% elevation drop from Hamilton. This puts them at an elevation of what, feet above sea level?

Correct answer:

h3 =  5304 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

h1=9600 ft r1=100%35%=110035=0.65 r2=100%15%=110015=0.85  h2=r1 h1=0.65 9600=6240 ft h3=r2 h2=0.85 6240=5304 ft

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