Direct proportionality - math word problems - page 34 of 35
Two sequences of numbers are proportional if their corresponding elements have a constant ratio. Direct proportionality is the dependence of two quantities, such that the number of times one quantity increases, the other quantity increases as many times. In other words: direct proportionality is a relationship in which it applies: in what proportion one quantity changes, in that proportion the other quantity also changes.For example:
For 1 euro, I buy 10 rolls, then for 2 euros I buy 20 rolls in the same store.
A car travels at a constant speed, then the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time spent traveling, with the speed being the constant of proportionality.
Number of problems found: 688
- Arc
The circle arc corresponding to the angle is 32° is 28 dm long. What is the length of the entire circle?
- Gimli Glider
Aircraft Boeing 767 lose both engines at 42000 feet. The plane captain maintains optimum gliding conditions. Every minute, lose 1910 feet and maintain constant speed 211 knots. Calculate how long it takes for a plane to hit the ground from engine failure.
- Chickens
4 chickens give 4 eggs in 4 days. How many eggs can 8 chickens be given for 8 days?
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Calculate fixed annual personnel costs of operating monorail line 115 km long if every 7 km is a station that serves three people - one dispatcher and two switchmen in 4-shift operation. Consider the average salary of the employee 829 euro.
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Calculate how many average minutes the web server is unavailable a year if the availability is 99.9999%.
- Pool
If water flows into the pool through two inlets, it will fill for 20 hours. If the first inlet fills the pool 8 hour longer than the second, how long does it take to fill with two inlets separately?
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The washing machine drum washes at 71 RPM. The washing machine motor pulley has a diameter of 8 cm. What must be the diameter of the drum machine pulley when the motor is at 351 RPM?
- Blood
In the human body, the blood is about 7.3% body weight. How many kilograms of blood are in the human body with a weight of 109 kg?
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Anthony bought 9 same chocolates for 18 Eur. How many euros will he pay for 19 chocolates?
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104 cow consumes 6968 kg hay per day. How many kg of hay was consumed by one cow in one day?
- Expression
If it is true that (l + 15 w)/(w) = 6, then the value of the expression (13 l)/(12 w) is:
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Since 2013, the Slovak government has had plans to tax more small one-person businesses. Instead of fixed expenses, 40% will be fixed expenses 40% of gross income up to 420 Eur. Calculate the percentage of fixed expenses that will be paid in 2013 from gro
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- Cyclist
The cyclist goes uphill 2 km for 7.4 minutes and downhill minutes for 4.8 minutes. Both are applied to the pedals with the same force. How long does he pass 2 km by plane?
- Expansion
If one side of the rectangle is larger 2-times and the second 4-times, what percentage increases the area of the rectangle?
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