Real number calculator
This calculator makes basic and advanced operations with real, natural, integers, and rational and irrational numbers. It also shows detailed step-by-step information about the calculation procedure. Solve problems with two, three, or more real numbers in one expression. Add, subtract, and multiply real numbers step-by-step. This calculator performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division for calculations on positive or negative real numbers. This online real number calculator will help you understand how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide real numbers.
Real numbers are numbers that can be found on the number line. This includes natural numbers( 1,2,3 ...), integers (-3), rational (fractions), and irrational numbers (like √2 or π). Positive or negative, large or small, whole numbers or decimal numbers are all real numbers. Imaginary and complex numbers cannot be drawn in a number line but in a complex plane.
The result:
0.75 0.75
=Real numbers in word problems:
- Write 3
Write a real-world problem involving the multiplication of a fraction and a whole number with a product between 8 and 10, then solve the problem. - Research 5270
The divers measured a depth of 104m. They want to place a research probe at four times less depth. How deep will the probe be placed? - Fraction to decimal
Write the fraction 3/22 as a decimal. - Is equal
Is it equal following terms? -9 21 = (-9) 21
- 5 addition problems
No problem; here are five decimal addition problems for you to practice: 1. What is the result of 3.5 + 2.1? 2. What is the result of 0.8 + 0.3? 3. What is the result of 5.2 + 1.7? 4. What is the result of 2.5 + 0.9? 5. What is the result of 1.4 + 0.6? I - Numbers 82720
Which number is also distant from the numbers 5.3 and 7.7 on the number line? - During 2
During the 2006 Olympics, a gymnast received the following scores: 8.9, 9.2, 9.15, and 9.05. What is the sum of the gymnast's scores? - Round 19
Round 644.4 to the nearest one. - Decimal places
How many decimal places would the product of 2.79 and 0.0043 have?
- Calculate: 3944
Calculate: a) 23 - [2.6 + (6 - 9) - 4.52] b] 12.25 + 2 [2.7 - (-0.5 + 0.3 * 0.6)] - Equation with abs value
How many solutions has the equation (|x| +x) |x-3| = |x+1| in the real numbers? - Jacqui
Jacqui ran a mile and a half on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and three-fourths of a mile on Tuesday and Thursday. How far did she run in all? - Determine 80662
Given the function y = x² - 4x + 3. Determine all real numbers z such that g(x) = g(-2). - Evaluate expression
What is: the sum of negative four and one-half times n plus the quantity one-fourth plus one and three-fourths times n minus three-eighths?
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