Quadrilateral 22003

The shelter has the shape of a regular quadrilateral pyramid without a front wall. The length of the base edge is 3 meters, and the shelter's height is 3.5 meters. How much canvas must be bought to sew it if we have to increase consumption by 20% for folds and cuts?

Correct answer:

S =  20.5626 m2

Step-by-step explanation:

n=41=3 a=3 m h=3.5 m  h2=h2+(a/2)2=3.52+(3/2)23.8079 m  S1=2h2 a=23.8079 35.7118 m2  q=100%+20%=1+10020=1.2  S=n q S1=3 1.2 5.7118=20.5626 m2

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Our percentage calculator will help you quickly calculate various typical tasks with percentages.
See also our right triangle calculator.
Do you want to convert length units?
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.

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