Calculate 2482

The train left Košice at 2:45 PM to Poprad, 120 km away. At 5:45 PM, we met in Poprad with an oncoming train from Žilina, 140 km from Poprad. Calculate what time the train left Žilina if you know that it was 8 km/h faster than the train from Košice.


t = 14:50 h Wrong answer

Step-by-step explanation:

v = 120 / (17+45/60-(14+45/60))
u = v+8
140 = 48·(17+45/60-t)

60v = 2400
u-v = 8
2880t = 42720

Pivot: Row 1 ↔ Row 3
2880t = 42720
u-v = 8
60v = 2400

v = 2400/60 = 40
u = 8+v = 8+40 = 48
t = 42720/2880 = 14.83333333

t = 89/6 ≈ 14.833333
u = 48
v = 40

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