On a

On a specialized website, you want to mix your own muesli. 200 g of muesli base costs 170 CZK. You want to add cornflakes in chocolate to the basics. 50g of this ingredient costs 13 CZK. How much do you pay for a 150g mixture when the weight of both components is the same?

Correct answer:

x =  83.25 Kc

Step-by-step explanation:

m1=200 g c1=170 kc m2=50 g c2=13 Kc  m=150/2=75 g  x1=m1m c1=20075 170=20075 170=20012750=4255=63.75 Kc x2=m2m c2=5075 13=5075 13=50975=239=19.5 Kc  x=x1+x2=4255+239=4255+478=4255+78=4333=4333 Kc=83.25 Kc

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