Currencies 4276

The company makes payments of wages in the smallest possible number of currencies. How to pay 4 562 CZK, 5 438 CZK, 8 946 CZK, 3 319 CZK?

Correct answer:

a =  4562
b =  5438
c =  8946
d =  3319

Step-by-step explanation:

M=1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 B=100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 a=2 2000+500+50+10+2=4562
b=5000+2 200+20+10+5+2+1=5438
c=5000+2000+1000+500+2 200+2 20+5+1=8946
d=2000+1000+200+100+10+5+2 2=3319

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