Created trio

What is the probability that in the created trio, which consists of 19 boys and 12 girls, they will be:
a) the boys themselves
b) the girls themselves
c) 2 boys and one girl?

Correct answer:

p1 =  21.5573 %
p2 =  4.8943 %
p3 =  45.6507 %

Step-by-step explanation:

c=19 d=12 s=c+d=19+12=31  p1=100 s (s1) (s2)c (c1) (c2)=100 31 (311) (312)19 (191) (192)=21.5573%
p2=100 s (s1) (s2)d (d1) (d2)=100 31 (311) (312)12 (121) (122)=8994400%=4.8943%
C2(19)=(219)=2!(192)!19!=211918=171 C1(12)=(112)=1!(121)!12!=112=12 C3(31)=(331)=3!(313)!31!=321313029=4495 p3=100 s (s1) (s2)3 c (c1) d=100 31 (311) (312)3 19 (191) 1245.6507%   Verifying Solution:   p33=100 (3s)(2c) (1d)=100 4495171 1245.6507 %

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