Individual 47281

Two resistors, R1 = 300 ohms and R2 = 600 ohms, are connected next. A voltage of 220V is connected. Determine the total resistance by which we can replace both the electric currents passing through the individual resistors and the electric current passing through the unbranched part of the circuit.

Correct answer:

R =  200 Ω
I1 =  0.7333 A
I2 =  0.3667 A
I =  1.1 A

Step-by-step explanation:

R1=300 Ω R2=600 Ω U=220 V  R=1/R1+1/R21=1/300+1/6001=200 Ω
I1=R1U=300220=1511 A=0.7333 A
I2=R2U=600220=3011 A=0.3667 A
I=RU=200220=1011 A=1.1 A

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