Calculate 5770

Calculate how long it will take the Šetrný family to repay the loan if, after the first year, they paid €1350 in interest and the loan's interest rate was 6% p.a. They will repay the loan to the bank for €3,000 each year, and the bank will only add interest to the remaining amount. How much more € will they return to the bank than they borrowed?

Correct answer:

n =  10.2521 y
x =  8256.1644 Eur

Step-by-step explanation:

p=6 % q=1+p/100=1+6/100=5053=1.06   1350 = 6/100 a a=1350 100/6=22500 Eur a1=a q3000=22500 1.063000=20850 a2=a1 q3000=20850 1.063000=19101 a3=a2 q3000=19101 1.063000=17247.06 a4=a3 q3000=17247.06 1.063000=15281.8836 a5=a4 q3000=15281.8836 1.06300013198.7966 a6=a5 q3000=13198.7966 1.06300010990.7244 a7=a6 q3000=10990.7244 1.0630008650.1679 a8=a7 q3000=8650.1679 1.0630006169.178 a9=a8 q3000=6169.178 1.0630003539.3286 a10=a9 q3000=3539.3286 1.063000751.6883 d=a10/3000 365=751.6883/3000 365=92 n=10+d/365=10+92/365=10.2521 y
x=n 3000a=10.2521 300022500=8256.1644 Eur

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