Refrigerator 6703

Calculate how much we will pay for 1 hour of consumed electrical energy if the seller sets a price of 0.126 euros for 1 kWh (all appliances together for 1 hour of work).


Appliance Power (W) Washing machine 2300 W
Bulb 40W
Refrigerator 200W
TV 110W

Correct answer:

x =  0.3339 Eur

Step-by-step explanation:

P=2300+40+200+110=2650 W P2=P kW=P:1000  kW=2650:1000  kW=2.65 kW  p=0.126 Eur/kWh x=P2 p=2.65 0.126=0.3339 Eur

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