Parallelogram 79744

A parallelogram has a perimeter of 30 cm and heights of 10 cm and 6 cm. Find the lengths of its sides.

Correct answer:

a =  5.625 cm
b =  9.375 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

o=30 cm h1=10 cm h2=6 cm  o=2(a+b) S= a h1 = b h2  o=2(a+b) a h1=b h2 30=2(a+b) a 10=b 6  30=2 (a+b) a 10=b 6  2a+2b=30 10a6b=0  Pivot:Row1Row2 10a6b=0 2a+2b=30  Row2102 Row1Row2 10a6b=0 3.2b=30  b=3.230=9.375 a=100+6b=100+6 9.375=5.625=5.625 cm  a=845=5.625 b=875=9.375   Verifying Solution:  o1=2 (a+b)=2 (5.625+9.375)=30 cm S1=a h1=5.625 10=4225=56.25 cm2 S2=b h2=9.375 6=4225=56.25 cm2

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