Proportional relationship 3

Which table below shows a proportional relationship?

x y
3 12
4 16
5 20
6 24
7 28
x y
3 15
4 20
5 25
6 35
7 40
x y
3 24
4 32
5 45
6 48
7 56
x y
3 21
4 24
5 35
6 42
7 49

Correct answer:

x = A

Step-by-step explanation:

r11=12/4=3 r12=16/4=4 r13=20/5=4 r14=24/6=4 r15=28/7=4 r11=r12=r13=r14=r15  r21=15/3=5 r22=20/4=5 r23=25/5=5 r24=35/6=635=5655.8333 r25=40/7=740=5755.7143 r21=r22=r23=r24=r25  r31=24/4=6 r32=32/4=8 r33=45/5=9 r31= r32= r33  r41=21/3=7 r42=24/4=6 r41= r42  x=A

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Dr Math
Hint: To know if a relationship is proportional, you should look at the ratios between the two variables. If the ratio is always the same, the relationship is proportional. If the ratio changes, the relationship is not proportional

Y= const * X

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