Sum of the two vectors - the result

The sum of two vectors given magnitudes and included angle. Typically two forces.
The sum of the two vectors
Vector addition is the operation of adding two (or more) vectors together into a vector sum. The so-called parallelogram law gives the rule for vector addition of two vectors. For two vectors, the vector sum is obtained by placing them head to tail and drawing the vector from the free tail to the free head.

Sum of vectors (size, magnitude) F = F1 + F2 = 1053.4181625282

Directional angle of the resulting vector φ = 30°50'21″ = 30.839276373726° = 0.1713293 rad

F1=580 F2=630 α=59°  x0=F1=580 y0=0  x1=F2 cosα=324.47398719333 y1=F2 sinα=540.01539944233  x=x0+x1=904.47398719333 y=y0+y1=540.01539944233  F=x2+y2=1053.4181625282  tanφ=y:x φ=arctany:x=30°5021"=30.839276373726°=0.1713293 rad

How to add two vectors

If we place the vectors at one starting point, the vectors form two sides of the parallelogram. By completing the remaining two parallel sides, we create a parallelogram. The resulting vector of the sum is the oriented diagonal of this parallelogram starting at the location point of the vectors.

Analyticky - výpočtem vypočítáme součet vektorů nejjednodušeji tak, že vektory rozložíme do složek x, y, případně z. Jednotlivé vektory pak sečteme po složkách. Velikost výsledného vektoru pak dopočítáme z Pythagorovy věty z jeho složkového tvaru. Směrový vektor určíme trigonometricky - arkustangensem poměru y:x. ​

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