Resistances 25281

Three resistors with resistances of 200 Ω, 400 Ω, and 600 Ω are connected next to each other (parallel). A current of 1.8 A flows through the first 200Ω resistor.
a) What current passes through the second and what current through the third resistor?
b) What are the electrical voltages across the respective resistors?

Correct answer:

U1 =  360 V
U2 =  360 V
U3 =  360 V
I2 =  0.9 A
I3 =  0.6 A

Step-by-step explanation:

I1=1.8 A R1=200 Ω R2=400 Ω R3=600 Ω  U1=R1 I1=200 1.8=360 V
U2=U1=360=360 V
U3=U1=360=360 V
I2=R2U2=400360=109 A=0.9 A
I3=R3U3=600360=53 A=0.6 A

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