Distance 4051

The distance from Nitra to Ostrava is 257 km. From both places, two cars drove towards each other at the same time. The car from Nitra drove 800m per hour slower than the car from Ostrava. What was the average speed of the cars if the cars met after 150 minutes of driving?

Correct answer:

x =  51.4 km/h

Step-by-step explanation:

s=257 km d=0.8 km t=150/60=25=2.5 h s1+s2=s vt+(vd)t=s v +v d = s/t v=(s/t+d)/2=(257/2.5+0.8)/2=5259=51.8 km/h v1=v=51.8=5259=51.8 km/h v2=vd=51.80.8=51 km/h x=s/t/2=257/2.5/2=51.4 km/h

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