Rotation 43561

The boy is sitting on a two-arm swing, and his seat is 300 cm away from the center of rotation. Its weight is 48 kg. The girl is sitting at the other end of the swing, and her mass is 36 kg. How far from the center of rotation must the girl sit for them to balance (i.e.,
What length must arm a2 have)?

Correct answer:

a2 =  4 m

Step-by-step explanation:

a1=300 cm m=300:100  m=3 m m1=48 kg m2=36 kg  M1=M2 F1 a1 = F2 a2 m1 g a1 = m2 g a2 m1 a1 = m2 a2  a2=m2m1 a1=3648 3=3648 3=36144=4 m

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