Deviation 4905

The flower bed has the shape of a regular 4-sided pyramid. The edge of the lower plinth is 10 m, and the upper plinth is 9 m. The deviation of the side wall from the base is 45 degrees. How many plantings should be purchased if 90 are needed to plant 1 square meter?

Correct answer:

n =  2420

Step-by-step explanation:

a=10 b=9 k=2 cos(45° rad)=2 cos(45° 180π )=2 cos(45° 1803.1415926 )=1.41421 h1=a/k=10/1.4142=5 27.0711 h2=b/k=9/1.41426.364 S1=a h1/2=10 7.0711/2=25 235.3553 S2=b h2/2=9 6.364/228.6378 S=S1S2=35.355328.63786.7175 n=4 90 S=4 90 6.7175=2420

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