Gift box

A gift box has dimensions of 8 1/2 inches, 5 1/2 inches, and 2 1/2 inches, respectively. How many cubes with side lengths of 1/2 inches would be needed to fill the gift box?

Correct answer:

n =  935

Step-by-step explanation:

x=821=8+21=28 2+1=216+1=217=821=8.5 in y=521=5+21=25 2+1=210+1=211=521=5.5 in z=221=2+21=22 2+1=24+1=25=221=2.5 in  a=21=0.5 in  n1=x/a=217/21=217:21=217 12=2 117 2=234=17 n2=y/a=211/21=211:21=211 12=2 111 2=222=11 n3=z/a=25/21=25:21=25 12=2 15 2=210=5  n=n1 n2 n3=17 11 5=935

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