Children 5352

father + mom = children

How much does the task have to be solved?

Correct answer:

n =  44

Step-by-step explanation:

s1=171+5858=6029 s2=272+5858=6130 s3=282+3737=4019 s4=282+5757=6039 s5=343+5858=6201 s6=343+7676=8019 s7=353+7676=8029 s8=353+8787=9140 s9=363+8787=9150 s10=373+4646=5019  s39=787+5252=6039 s40=787+5353=6140 s41=848+5353=6201 s42=878+2626=3504 s43=878+5151=6029 s44=878+5252=6130 n=44

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